Our testimonial quotes are collected via an anonymous, optional survey that clients fill out online at home after the completion of therapy. The client’s name is not attached to it in any way at any point, nor is any other potentially identifying information, in order to keep it anonymous. The client selects which therapist they saw on the survey, and that’s it.
Because we collect the quotes anonymously and because they are not filled out at the office, our staff will have no way of knowing which clients did or didn’t give a testimonial quote. This is all made clear to clients, so that they know there would be no negative consequences to them whatsoever for choosing not to fill out the survey or give a testimonial quote because we will not even know which clients did or didn’t do so. It is also made clear to clients that if they ever wish to return to therapy at any point in the future, the therapist will not know whether they did or didn’t give a quote and it will therefore not impact the services they receive or their ability to receive those services in any way. We do all this so that clients can feel comfortable if they wish to decline to give a testimonial quote.