Chloe was experiencing regular panic attacks and her fear of having more panic attacks began to take over her life. It seemed no area of her life was unaffected. She quit her job. She quit spending time with friends. She felt unable to participate in many of the activities she and her significant other had…
Winston led a very successful life. He had a great family, a great job and plenty of friends. In spite of all this, Winston felt his life had been full of anxiety. He regularly found himself worrying about anything and everything: stressors from work, from relationships, from financial concerns, and from almost any area of…
Natalie described herself as an overall anxious person for most of her life, even though she didn’t know when or why it started. She began to notice an increasing frequency of panic attacks coupled with anxiety around her health. She had experienced some significant health problems which triggered an intense fear of her health and…
Luke had always been uneasy around germs. For a long time, it didn’t cause any major inconvenience, although he had noticed it gradually worsening over time. But as Luke’s life became more stressful, he noticed his fears started to take over his life. He knew he had developed OCD Sometimes, the feeling of being dirty…
Sarah had dealt with some anxiety most of her life, but recently she started feeling anxious out of the blue. She felt like there was no real reason for it, it just seemed random. This made her feel even worse because she felt like she shouldn’t be anxious. She had always been a planner and…
Julie spent most of her life struggling with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder . She experienced ongoing intrusive thoughts about horrible things happening to her family. These thoughts tormented her for years and nothing she did could get them to stop. Julie’s OCD got worse after giving birth to her son. Julie’s son became the subject…
Tom had always been a worrier. But things got much worse when he started his new job. He was worrying all the time about his job performance, his relationship with his girlfriend, his finances…even if he felt ok about one thing, his mind would always come up with something else for him to worry about.…
Amy had always worried about things a lot, but had never let it get to the point where it impacted her life too much. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, she began experiencing panic attacks . She would go through episodes where her heart would start to race rapidly and she would feel dizzy. If…
John suffered from severe Social Anxiety for as long as he could remember. He had always felt “weird” and socially awkward. He never knew what to say in social situations. Usually, his mind would freeze up during conversations and he would be unable to think of anything to say. This led to lots of awkward…
Child/Teen Anxiety Success Stories
Jeremy had always been a high-achiever and a perfectionist. After starting high school, his fear of making mistakes became overwhelming and started to take over his life. He would obsess about small details on homework and tests. He would redo things to try and calm his worries that he was fundamentally careless and irresponsible. Of…
David was referred to me (Dr. Sinclair) by his pediatrician after his parents frantically called their doctor reporting that David was refusing to go to school. David had missed the first few weeks of the new school year, saying that he was terrified about attending because he was worried that he would be made fun…
Sandy was a 10-year-old girl who was tormented by fear and anxiety. After her younger brother was diagnosed with asthma, she worried almost constantly about getting sick from germs. She also worried about her brother getting sick and that it would somehow be her fault. To cope with this fear, she washed her hands until…
Note: In order to protect the confidentiality of our clients, each of the above stories is a combination of the stories of several real clients. The names and any potential identifying information have also been changed.