Coming to Anxiety Solutions was life-changing for me. My anxiety symptoms drastically lessened and over time they have nearly disappeared entirely.
You don’t have to suffer with OCD.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be truly debilitating…
The good news is that it IS treatable with help from an experienced OCD specialist.
In fact, research has proven that most people with OCD who get proper therapy decrease or eliminate their obsessions, compulsions, and anxiety.
Our approach to OCD treatment (Exposure and Response Prevention) is the ONLY type of counseling that is reliably proven to work for OCD.
There are few problems in life that cause as much suffering as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If you are seeking a counselor for OCD, you may feel totally hopeless and believe that nothing is ever going to help.
OCD may be making you feel crazy for having certain thoughts. You have probably tried to “just stop thinking about it” but found that this only makes it worse. No matter how hard you try to tell yourself your fears are irrational, you can’t stop doing your compulsions. Then you can feel stupid for not being able to get rid of it. It’s like you can’t do anything until you satisfy your obsessions.
You might even feel that you are a terrible person for having your OCD thoughts. It’s embarrassing and you might try to hide it from people out of shame and guilt.
Worst of all, it can seem like your OCD will never go away. You may feel you’ll have to suffer like this for the rest of your life.
But there is a part of you that would do almost anything to rid yourself of OCD.
At Anxiety Solutions of Denver, we specialize solely in providing counseling to those with anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We have successfully helped people with even the most severe cases of OCD.
Here are some things our OCD therapy clients say when they seek our help:
- “I get these terrible thoughts in my head that I can’t get rid of no matter how hard I try.”
- “Am I crazy?”
- “Everything seems dirty. I am so afraid of getting sick that I just don’t want to do anything.”
- “I get these horrifying thoughts about the people I love getting hurt or killed. I don’t understand why I think such terrible things. I feel so guilty about it.”
- “I can’t stop thinking blasphemous thoughts that go against my beliefs. I’m afraid I’ll end up going to Hell because of it but I still can’t stop the thoughts!”
- “I always have to check everything before I leave the house. Sometimes I just stay at home because I don’t even want to bother.”
- “It takes me forever-sometimes even hours-to do simple things like getting dressed, taking a shower, or eating.”
- “I know my fears are irrational, but I still can’t stop.”
- “I am afraid I’m always going to feel this way. Will I be stuck with this forever?”
- “I don’t want to do my compulsions but I feel like I have to. I just can’t stop.”
- “I just want to be like a normal person. I feel hopeless sometimes.”
OCD comes in many forms.
In fact, there are so many variations of OCD that it is impossible to list them all, but here are some of the most common types of OCD that we treat:
- Fears of getting dirty or catching a disease: Often this leads to fear of coming into contact with bodily fluids, germs, or chemicals. For some, it just means being afraid of feeling dirty. Others may worry about being responsible for getting other people contaminated.
In any case, if you have contamination fears, you probably avoid touching many things, especially in public. This may keep you from going to certain places or participating in social outings. You probably wash or sanitize your hands frequently in order to feel clean.
- Fears of harming others: Some people with OCD are tortured by thoughts about other people being harmed or even dying. It might even feel like you can cause this to happen just by thinking about it. You probably feel guilty and wonder why you think such terrible thoughts. You may even feel like a bad person because of the thoughts.
- Fear of losing control: You may fear that you will lose control of yourself and act out some unwanted impulse. Many people with this fear worry that they will suddenly hurt someone (for example, with a knife), turn their car off the road, or yell out something inappropriate in public.
- Unwanted sexual thoughts: People with this type of OCD obsess about what society might deem to be forbidden or perverse sexual thoughts. You may even fear that you have some sort of unwanted sexual desire, like being attracted to children or family members. You probably feel quite ashamed and confused by these thoughts.
- Checking rituals: One of the most common types of OCD is when you need to check things repeatedly to make sure they are a certain way. For example, you may check repeatedly that doors are locked, that the parking brake is on, or that you turned off the lights or the stove properly. You feel like you have to be absolutely certain that the thing you’re checking is “right”. This may take up a lot of your time and leave you feeling exasperated.
- Religious obsessions: If you are a spiritual or religious person, you may have unwanted thoughts that could be blasphemous in your religion or offensive towards God. You probably worry that God will be angry with you. You may even be afraid that God will punish you or you will go to Hell for these thoughts.
- Fears about relationships: Individuals with relationship OCD experience obsessions related to the fear of important relationships not working out or ending poorly. For example, many obsess about whether or not their partner is as invested in their relationship as they are. Others compulsively analyze whether or not their partner is a good match for them. These fears and worries often make it difficult to enjoy and commit to the relationship itself.
- Existential OCD: If you have existential OCD, you may find yourself feeling what many describe as “existential doom.” Individuals with this type of OCD obsess about the meaning and purpose of life. They often find themselves consumed by various philosophical questions and worry that life may be meaningless if they cannot solve the questions like “Why am I here?” and “What am I supposed to do?” If you have this type of OCD, you may also find it difficult to commit to a life path and enjoy activities due to the idea that you need to know why you “should” be doing what you are doing before taking action.
At Anxiety Solutions of Denver, We Use a Research-Proven Method That Successfully Treats ALL Forms of OCD
Even if OCD is ruining your life, we can help you:
- Dramatically reduce feelings of anxiety and guilt.
- Stop obsessing.
- Stop your compulsions.
- Be able to do anything without OCD stopping you.
- Know exactly how to resist your OCD urges.
- Be less anxious about uncertainty.
- Spend your time enjoying your life, not obsessing about rituals.
- Function comfortably and normally in work, social life, and relationships.
- Feel more at ease and at peace with yourself.
- Have better relationships.
- Get rid of OCD and feel like a normal person.
Why Choose Anxiety Solutions of Denver to help you with your OCD?
Because our therapists are OCD specialists. Counseling people with OCD and anxiety is all we do. We love our work and we are good at it.
We have far more experience and success treating OCD than most therapists. We understand OCD extremely well and we know how to help you.
Click here to learn more about what makes us unique.
Being specialists also means that we practice Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) which research has shown to be the ONLY type of counseling that is reliably proven to work for OCD. For this reason, it is absolutely essential that you choose an OCD specialist who knows how to do ERP.
We understand that suffering with OCD can feel hopeless, but it isn’t hopeless at all.
You CAN achieve a normal, happy, healthy life. But you need help to do it. Therapy with an OCD specialist can help you get your life back on track.
If you are ready to get relief from your OCD, contact us and we’ll get started.
Here are your next steps:
1. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page and get Dr. Stein’s free audio recording: “What To Do When You Feel Anxious”.
2. Contact us for a free phone consultation, where we’ll answer all your questions and help you decide whether we are the right fit for you.
3. If you are ready to book an appointment contact us now and we’ll get you scheduled with one of our anxiety specialists.