Child/Teen OCD Therapists in Denver
Your child does not have to be stuck with OCD
Watching your child or teen suffer with OCD can be torture.
You want them to feel better, but you don’t know what to do.
Rest assured, we can help.
At Anxiety Solutions, we specialize in treating OCD.
We use the ONLY treatment method that has been reliably proven to work for children and teens with OCD.
If your child is struggling with OCD, you probably feel frustrated and stuck. You see your child perform strange behaviors that don’t make any sense. Yet no matter how hard you try, you cannot get them to stop.
This may have led to tantrums and fights, and still nothing seems to work. You are probably at your wit’s end.
You get frustrated, but at the same time you hurt for them because you know how anxious they are and how much they are suffering. You know they want to get better, but you don’t know how to help them get unstuck.
You just want them to have a normal life.
You see your child’s life starting to slip away as the OCD shuts them down more and more. You’re fighting to keep them afloat, but you want something that will save their future and get them back to being a happy, normal child.
You may have even taken them to therapy already, but it didn’t work.
OCD really requires the help of a specialist. At Anxiety Solutions, we specialize in helping children and teens with OCD. We practice a unique, proven treatment method for OCD that really works.
Here are some things parents often say when they bring their child or teen with OCD to see us:
- “It takes him forever to do pretty much anything. Even simple things like getting dressed in the morning or showering can take hours.”
- “She won’t touch anything she thinks is dirty and she washes her hands all the time. I don’t understand why she keeps doing it.”
- “My son does strange things like opening and closing doors over and over or tapping things repeatedly. It makes no sense to me!”
- “She said she has thoughts about terrible things happening: thoughts about the family being killed or getting sick. Why would she think about that? Is that OCD?”
- “She always asks me if everything’s going to be ok, but no matter how many times I reassure her, she always needs more.”
- “We get into such awful fights when he does his rituals. I can’t get him to stop and it drives me nuts!”
- “I have some OCD tendencies too. Is this genetic? Is it my fault? Did I somehow teach her to be this way?”
- “Will my son ever get better? Can he ever be a normal kid again?”
There are many different types of OCD.
Here are some of the most common types of OCD in children and teens and some behaviors parents typically see. These behaviors may seem odd and confusing, but we see them in the children and teens we treat all the time.
Fear of getting sick or being dirty (fear of “contamination”):
Many children with OCD worry about coming into contact with germs, bacteria, or other people’s bodily fluids. Others worry more generally about just being dirty.
Common behaviors parents see in children with this fear:
- Repetitive hand-washing.
- Refusing to touch certain things.
- Reluctance or refusal to go to school.
- Avoidance of “dirty” people or places.
- Getting angry when family members touch their possessions.
Intrusive thoughts about terrible things happening:
Children with this type of OCD have intrusive thoughts about dreaded events like the death of a family member or being kidnapped. They may fear that they can cause these things to happen just by thinking about them, unless they prevent it by doing rituals.
Common behaviors parents see in children with this fear:
- Repeating simple, routine actions (e.g. opening and closing doors, standing up and sitting down).
- Doing things repeatedly a certain “good” number of times.
- Praying that the thought does not come true.
- Repeating things until they feel “just right”.
- Asking for reassurance (e.g. “Are we going to be ok?”) over and over.
- Taking a very long time to do simple tasks like getting dressed, taking a shower, or getting ready for bed.
- Taking a very long time to do homework.
- Checking doors to make sure they are locked.
- Checking light switches to make sure they are off.
- Checking to make sure the stove is off.
- Checking that things are not dirty or contaminated.
- Praying to “undo” bad thoughts.
- Repeating simple actions (e.g. opening and closing doors) until they can do them without having a bad thought.
- Reluctance to attend religious services out of fear that it will trigger bad thoughts.
- Touching or tapping things a certain “right” way
- Repeating simple, routine behaviors
- Counting and needing to end on a certain number or type of number (e.g. odds or evens).
At Anxiety Solutions, Our Proven Techniques
Will Help Your Child or Teen Defeat OCD
No matter what type of obsessions or compulsions your child has, we can help them:
- Dramatically reduce anxiety.
- Put a stop to rituals and compulsions.
- Stop obsessing.
- Carry out daily life tasks at a normal pace.
- Do anything without OCD stopping them.
- Show them exactly what to do when OCD gets triggered.
- Show you exactly how to respond to your child’s OCD behaviors.
- Function comfortably at school and do homework at a normal pace.
- Feel like a normal, happy kid again.
Think how much time, energy, and emotion will be saved by taking OCD out of the equation. You and your family will feel more relaxed and at peace. Home life will be more harmonious. You will be able to enjoy time with your child again.
No matter how much they are suffering right now, they can return to a normal, healthy life…IF they get proper treatment from an OCD specialist.
How can you be sure you are choosing the best therapist for your child?
Because we are specialists in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which is the ONLY type of therapy that has been proven to work for children and teens with OCD.
ERP focuses on helping your child confront their fears and change their compulsive behavior, which research (and our own experience) has shown leads to dramatic relief of OCD symptoms.
You can also be sure you are getting the highest quality of treatment possible because treating OCD and anxiety is all we do at our practice. Most therapists are generalists, meaning they treat many different kinds of problems. But we are specialists in OCD and anxiety, which means that our practice is focused exclusively on these issues.
This means that we see a lot more people with OCD than your average therapist. We have far more experience and a track record of success in treating kids and teens with OCD than your average therapist too.
And because the treatment required for OCD is so unique and different from other forms of therapy, it really does require a specialist to be treated properly.
Click here to learn more about what makes us unique.
No matter how hopeless it may feel sometimes, rest assured: Your child CAN beat OCD and put an end to their suffering. But they need help to do it.
If you are ready to help your child with OCD get back to a normal, peaceful life, here are your next steps:
1. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page and get our free How-To Guide: “10 Things You Can Do To Help Your Anxious Child”.
2. Contact us for a free phone consultation, where we’ll answer all your questions and help you decide whether we are the right fit for your child.
3. If you are ready to book an appointment now, follow the steps in the box below to use our online scheduler: