Category “Featured” – Anxiety Solutions of Denver
If you struggle with worry, you’ve probably asked yourself plenty of times: “Why can’t I just stop thinking about this?” Well in this post, I will explain why. It’s a common scenario: a concern about the future randomly pops into your head one day. Without warning, this worry comes to dominate your thoughts. You can’t…
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Sometimes when you feel frustrated about your anxiety, you might start comparing yourself to people who don’t appear to have much anxiety…people you consider “normal”. You might see yourself as flawed because of your anxiety problem, and you wonder why it seems so easy for other people to just not worry about things. You wonder…
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You’ve probably been through this before: You’re feeling anxious. You’re worrying about something that you know is irrational. You tell yourself to stop thinking about it, but you can’t. Then you get frustrated that you can’t make yourself stop thinking about it. And the cycle continues. You’re not alone. My clients tell me this all…
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